I’m sorry I haven’t been writing. It’s been a TIME! I promise we will return to our regularly scheduled programming next week. Two posts a week, I swear. I have time now. I can’t not do it.
The last two weeks have been insane. Like, did you hear Taylor Swift dropped not one but TWO albums last night? And I stayed up to listen to both for the first time like a total idiot?
I’m going long on both next week. Get ready.
(I really wanted to get something out on it this morning, but it turns out staying up till 3am listening to a double album is not the finest idea. Forgive me for being a mere mortal.)
And in general, like, a lot has been happening that I want to catch you up on.
That cool thing I teased was happening last Monday? I’m hopefully gonna set aside some time to write about that.
The Leafs game I went to near the top of the month? Might write about that too.
The Leafs playoff run? Depends how deep they go. I wouldn’t want to talk about it if it depressed me. They have to EARN a write-up from me, you know?
As for school, since I know you all care:
I have one more exam on Tuesday. At 9 in the morning. Pray for me.
And then I have one more final paper to finish writing. I was bombard with them this month and I’m so excited to finally put my sophomore year behind me. So many late penalties have been taken but in over it at this point. My grades aren’t everything to me anymore. I know I’m more than just my 25.7 intelligence quotient points.
Actually, the day that the aforementioned Exciting Monday Thing™️ happened, I went to bed early because I was so exhilarated and exhausted, only to wake up a few hours later because I realized I had a paper due at 9am the following morning. My prof wasn’t an accepting late papers. But guess what? I did it! I wrote as much as I could until I couldn’t focus anymore, then woke up a few hours to finish it up, and handed it in with a just over 20 mintues to spare! It’s not my best work by any stretch but whatever, I had to get it in.
Oh, and as soon as I got it in, I had to run to my closest passport office to renew my passport because the office opened at 8:30 in the morning and I was already late. But I did that, too! Gonna be another month before it arrives in the mail but once it does I might throw a party.
Like, I didn’t find the process easy in the slightest. I’m proud of myself. You should’ve seen me filling out the bazillion pages that the Canadian government make you fill out when you want to renew your passport. “WTF is my colour?” I was thinking. “Is it really just brown?”
I won’t need to use my passport just yet. But maybe later this year I will? 👀 Stay tuned.
Ok, what else?
Still no internship luck over here. Not even a single interview request! As Taylor Swift once said, I hate it here. The war isn’t over yet. I will fight until every last LinkedIn job posting closes.
Is that everything? I have no idea.
I’m kind of overwhelmed right now. Making my way downtown as I type this out on my phone. That’s why there’s so many typos in this post.
It’s a fun kind of stress. I don’t mind the length and y’all know I love the train. And truly, I tell ya, what a beautiful thing it is to be listening to brand new Taylor Swift songs on the train! I don’t even remember hearing half of these late last night.
I’m gonna get off at Union and finally eat something for the first time today. Getting new Taylor Swift songs makes me grateful for everything. Even the two 3.7/10 wraps I packed for lunch today.
I should probably tell you where I’m headed. It’s actually a pretty cool reason. This dude from UofT I’ve never met invited me to be on his podcast!
I’ve never been on a podcast before. I’ve been on radio shows and TV, as I think I wrote about a while back, but I’ve never done a podcast podcast before. I’m so nervous, y’all. He’s gonna ask me questions about my life as if I have anything interesting to tell him. What is my life?!
I did actually tell him about this Substack. Hopeuflly that was a good idea and I don’t embarrass myself talking about it.
But being on one of these things has been a goal of mine for a while, now that I'm more comfortable in my own skin. I’m not even an extrovert! Having a hour-long conversation with a stranger in front of a two-camera setup is not something I ever would’ve envisioned myself doing, let alone actually agreeing to. Or ENJOYING.
But I’m doing it. Please clap!
Mostly because I think it's great that this guy sees value in what I can bring to his show. I personally see it as a test of my improv skills. Like, how funny can I be on the spot in a public forum? How smart can I sound in front of a camera? I’m stoked for the challenge. Hopefully I come out of it alive. And that I don’t say anything stupid that comes back to haunt me twenty years from now because the internet is forever.
I’ll definitely share a link to the episode once it’s up. And I’ll probably write about the disorienting experience of being on it, too.
Oh god, I did not dress the part for this. Why didn’t I put more thought into my fit?! Good gracious.
Ok. Off to eat those wraps I mentioned earlier and then make my way to Museum Station. If you’re still reading this mess—thank you!—let me know what you thought of THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT! Your fave songs, your criticisms, all of it. I’ll read over everything this weekend.